Friday, December 6, 2013

Standard Chartered Says Bank Client Data Stolen in Singapore (3)

Standard Chartered Plc (STAN) said wealthy

clients’ confidential information was stolen in Singapore from a

printing company, underscoring the vulnerability of global banks

to attacks from hackers and thieves.

Singapore’s central bank plans to consider regulatory

action against Standard Chartered after reviewing the bank’s

investigation into the incident. The London-based lender said it

hasn’t found any unauthorized transactions since the theft from

Fuji Xerox Co., which was hired to print statements for the 647

clients, and is contacting affected customers. The city’s police

discovered statements for February on a laptop seized from an

alleged hacker.

The security breach threatens to undermine Singapore’s

reputation as a private-banking hub for Asia. The city is Asia’s

largest wealth management center with about $800 billion in

offshore assets, according to Boston Consulting Group. Shares of

Standard Chartered, which this week forecast that earnings from

its consumer-banking unit will drop, fell to the lowest in five

months in Hong Kong trading.

“It’s a bank issue, but it’s also a regulatory issue,”

Sandy Mehta, chief executive officer of Value Investment

Principals Ltd. in Hong Kong, said by phone. “Even in some of

the most sophisticated jurisdictions like Singapore, there just

needs to be more focus on operations and controls for banks.”

Hacker Attack

The information was stolen from a server used for Standard

Chartered Private Bank at a printing facility, Fuji Xerox

Singapore Chief Executive Officer Bert Wong said in a statement

yesterday. Other clients weren’t impacted and a forensic team is

probing the breach, he said.

The data was found on a laptop taken from James Raj

Arokiasamy in the course of investigations, the police said in a

separate statement yesterday. The Singaporean was charged on

Nov. 12 with causing unauthorized modifications on a municipal

council website by posting an image of a Guy Fawkes mask, symbol

of the international hacker group Anonymous. The charges

followed cyber attacks in November on websites across Southeast

Asia for which Anonymous claimed responsibility.

Arokiasamy’s lawyer, M. Ravi, declined to immediately

comment today.

“This incident will raise questions about Standard

Chartered’s ability to deal with client data,” Ronald Wan,

chief China adviser at Asian Capital Holdings Ltd., said by

telephone. “Regulators and financial institutions need to think

about whether there should be more stringent oversight and

requirements on third-party service providers.”

Shares Drop

Shares (2888) of Standard Chartered dropped 2.8 percent to

HK$169.20, the lowest close since July 3 in Hong Kong trading.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore is “actively

engaging” with Standard Chartered on the theft, which is an

isolated case, the central bank said.

“Globally, financial institutions have been facing an

increasing number and variety of cyber threats,” the central

bank said in a statement yesterday. The theft “underscores the

need for heightened vigilance in FIs, including close management

of risks pertaining to service providers.”

The incident should remind banks and other financial

institutions of the need to have “robust” systems and

technology infrastructure to protect client data, Ong-Ang Ai

Boon, a director of the Association of Banks in Singapore, said

in an e-mailed statement.

“ABS and our members are cognizant of this and are

constantly vigilant in our efforts to combat cyber threats and

crime,” Ong-Ang said.

Singapore’s Wealth

Switzerland is the world’s largest offshore wealth-management center, with $2.2 trillion in assets, according to

Boston Consulting in May. Hong Kong and Singapore manage a

combined $1.2 trillion.

“The confidentiality and privacy of our clients are of

paramount importance to us, and we take this incident very

seriously,” Ray Ferguson, chief executive officer of Standard

Chartered Singapore, said in yesterday’s statement.

About 8.2 percent of households in the city-state have

assets of $1 million or more, giving it the fifth-largest

proportion behind Qatar, Switzerland, Kuwait and Hong Kong,

Boston Consulting said in May.

“Hackers are seeing the profit potential in accessing bank

data and undoubtedly selling it to tax and enforcement

authorities worldwide, not to mention the more significant

possibility of outright theft,” said Scott D. Michel, president

of Washington-based law firm Caplin Drysdale Chartered. “I

suspect we will see more of them globally in the next couple of


To contact the reporters on this story:

Sharon Chen in Singapore at;

Jasmine Ng in Singapore at;

Sanat Vallikappen in Singapore at

To contact the editor responsible for this story:

Chitra Somayaji at

Standard Chartered Says Bank Client Data Stolen in Singapore (3)


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