Thursday, October 10, 2013

Australian artists showcase bushranger Ned Kelly in Singapore exhibition


October 10, 2013 14:21:44

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Video: Kelly art hangs in Singapore

Australian artists are showcasing the rebel spirit of bushranger Ned Kelly to a Singapore audience which traditionally frowns upon rebellion.

In a country where spray painting a wall normally leads to trouble, Australian artist Regan Tamanui has taken a wall at the Australian High Commission for his canvas.

He’s painting Australia’s most controversial hero, the bushranger Ned Kelly.

“I started doing images of Ned Kelly over ten years ago on the streets of Melbourne, and over the years the stencils developed into bigger and more multilayered stencils.” he said.

“My artwork, all of the exhibition is a celebration of ned kelly as an Australian icon.

“He’s just about a great ancestor of every Australian.”

The 19th century outlaw is part of Australian folklore, notorious to this day for robbery and murder, but also for standing up to authority.

He was captured and hanged in 1880 and his remains were only reburied with his family earlier this year

His legend, and his distinctive helmet, have long captured the attention of Australian artists such as Sidney Nolan and Adam Cullen, both colourful characters in their own right.


Australia’s fascination with the Ned Kelly story

In this new exhibition in Singapore, some artists look at Ned Kelly in a slightly different way.

For Australian artists like Sculptor Camie Lyons, the spirit of Ned Kelly is also a story of Australian frontier living.

“All these are cast eucalypt in gum branches. And all these marks here of wrapped twine and old bits of fabric, things that they would have used.

Almost 150 years after Ned Kelly’s death, and the mythology around Australia’s most famous bushranger remains controversial, with some arguing his violent nature should not be celebrated.

Melanie McCollin-Walker says for many artists, his rebellious spirit has a universal appeal.

“Everybody’s got a little bit of a rebel inside of them, and it’s just nice to come to a place and have it speak nice and loudly in a place that’s a little bit more controlled,” she said.

Singapore is a country where criminal folk heroes are nowhere to be found, and where there’s significant respect for authority.

Ned Kelly has long divided opinions in Australia, it seems likely the untamed spirit of 19th century Australia will divide opinions in 21st century Singapore as well.

Art Consultant Jane Shishido says an exhibition about Ned Kelly might say a lot about Australia, but the reaction to it here might say something about Singapore’s changing attitudes too.

“Singaporeans are very sensitive when it comes to history about themselves – but when it’s in the context of another country or another person they’re very comfortable,” she said.

“The younger Singaporeans very different – they would probably actually love this – in fact they’d find it very cool.”








First posted

October 10, 2013 09:19:44

Australian artists showcase bushranger Ned Kelly in Singapore exhibition


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